This year has truly blessed us beyond measure as we welcome to the world our long awaited miracle, Baby Jakob.
We planned to have a natural labor and delivery with Jakob, but things did not go as planned. Jakob had plans of his own. He decided that he wanted to stay in mommy's tummy just a bit longer and grow just a bit bigger. Finally, at 41 weeks + 4 days, he decided it was time to make his appearance. After 12 hours of labor at Sagua Managua Birthing Center, no progress was being made; baby's heart rate was dipping and with meconium present in the amniotic fluid we were forced to make the decision to be transferred to Guam Memorial Hospital to deliver Jakob via C-Section. Despite the complications and finding out he was wrapped up in his umbilical cord, we delivered a healthy, strong, beautiful, perfect baby boy.
Jakob Leeman Parker
December 18, 2014
8 lbs, 5 oz
19 3/4 inches |
41 weeks |
Laboring at Sagua Managua Birthing Center
Prepping for delivery via C-Section
Proud Daddy cutting the cord and holding baby
Mommy meeting baby for the first time after recovery